
Why herbal medicine is better than antibiotic?

There is doubt that those diseases such as prostatitis, cystitis, epididymitis and other disease caused by bacterial infection or inflammation always treat with antibiotic, because antibiotic can kill bacteria within a short time and the curative effect is excellent. However, now, more and more people give up this kind of treatment and going to seek for alternative treatment. Why this situation happens? Are there any reason makes people do this?  

Antibiotic, as the traditional treatment of bacterial diseases, also has advantages and disadvantages, just like a coin. And I believe that it must be the above mentioned situation makes people quit this treating way. What are the weaknesses of antibiotic?
First, antibiotic has drug resistance. This disadvantage will bring great harms for people, because it not only can decline the drug effect greatly after a long time taking, but also can make the drug useless and increase the relapse rate.
Secondly, antibiotic should be taken under the control of doctor. As is know, it is easy for antibiotic to be resisted by bacteria, so people have to take antibiotic more carefully, because abuse antibiotic will make the drug resistance more serious, so it is better for people to take them under the control of doctor.
As for the alternative treatment – herbal medicine, although it also has disadvantages which are expensive cost and long treating course, its advantage is larger than disadvantage. Herbal medicine made of herbs which are from plants, animals and minerals, so herbal medicine has no drug resistance and harms. Thus, patients don’t need to worry about the curative effect declining. Herbal medicine also has guiding drug which can enhance the curative effect by leading other drug materials reach and work on inflammatory parts directly. Except the above mentioned advantages, herbal medicine also can promote blood circulation and Qi, release pain and dissipate hard lumps, clear away heat and toxic materials.
All in all, the excellent advantages make herbal medicine - Diureticand Anti-inflammatory Pill is better than antibiotic. If you want to know more information about this pill, please contact us as soon as possible.

