
Can Prostate diseases patients drink milk or not?

Prostate diseases are the most common diseases for men. everyman can affect prostate diseases at all ages. Nowadays, the morbidity of prostate diseases is increasing. In china, more than 43.68% for men whose ages are older than 60 affect those diseases. And for those men who are older than 75, the infection rate of BPH is 50%. As we known, prostate diseases are great threatening to men’s health. So more and more groups and organizations do many researches on those diseases. Recently, a survey done by American researchers shows that milk is one of the factors of BPH. However, does it real?

As a matter of fact, the causes of BPH are still uncertain. Although "Dihydrotestosterone theory" has long been much accounted of, single hormone can not make a full explanation to all the issues that involve the occurrence and development of the disease. Imbalance of sex hormone in elderly is metabolic disorders of androgen and estrogen, which is the major cause of BPH. Many attentions are paid on nutrilit and its relationship with hormone in the research of causes of BPH. Its appearance and expansion are not only dominated by this factor, but also the male hormone's mastery reaction, female hormone's synergy and nutrilit's participation.
It is very easy for old men to loss of nutrients and calcium, but milk contains lots of nutrients and calcium, so milk not only cannot bring BPH to men, but also can promote men’s health condition. Therefore, the therapy of milk is one of the factors of BPH is wrong. Patients can drink milk but low fat milk is better.
Other matters need to be paid attention to in daily life include adopting an optimistic attitude, taking more exercise, proper intercourse, avoiding spice food and don’t holding back urine. The treatment of BPH is Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory pill. This pill is herbal medicine. So it doesn’t have drug resistance and side-effects, and also have many functions. You can buy this pill from this clinic.

