
Brief introduction of three common type of prostatitis

Prostatitis, often described as an infection of the prostate, also can be an inflammation with on signs of infection. According to the health center, only 5% -10% of cases are caused by bacterial infection.
Prostatitis has three types which are acute bacterial prostatitis, chronic bacterial prostatitis, and chronic nonbacterial prostatitis.


Is Endometriosis Different With Adenomyosis?

Endometriosis and adenomyosis are two normal diseases that occur in women. Many women don’t know clearly about the difference between endometriosis and adenomyosis, if you curious about the differences, please follow this article and find out them.
Endometriosis and adenomyosis are two gynecological conditions that both affect the endometrium, the lining of the uterus. Endometriosis is a condition in which the endometrium abnormally develops outside of the uterus, on the contrary, adenomyosis is a condition in which the endometrium grows into the muscular walls of the uterus instead of lining the outside of the uterus, so the two disease are different diseases.


What type of prostatitis is contagious?

Chronic prostatitis has two types. One is chronic nonbacterial prostatitis and the other is chronic bacterial prostatitis. In clinical, lots of chronic prostatitis is nonbacterial type and the bacterial type only has 5% percent, which are general bacteria. Chronic prostatitis, as a collection of series diseases, includes chronic bacterial prostatitis and chronic nonbacterial prostatitis.
In clinical, most of chronic prostatitis is nonbacterial prostatitis and only 5% are bacterial prostatitis. If it is nonbacterial prostatitis, no bacteria can be found and this type is very safe, so it isn’t contagious. What’s more, if there are some bacteria, because of the strong ability of resistance of women’s vagina, it is harder for women to affect those bacteria.

Causes, Symptoms and Treatments, everything you need to know about IC

Interstitial cystitis is a chronic condition happens in bladder. This disease is very common and most of its victims are women, because women’s urinary tract is shorter than men’s and their vagina is closer to the anus than men’s. Interstitial cystitis is common, so it is necessary for men and women especially for women to learn some basic knowledge for this disease.


Which is the best to Treat Pain Caused By Prostatitis, antibiotic or herbal formula?

Prostatitis, a disease troubled many sufferers and doctors, often describes as an infection of the prostate and horrible disease. It is a disease can cause lots of symptoms to men and also it is an inflammation can cause no sign and infection. Lots of men try a huge number of ways to eliminate the pain caused by prostatitis, but all in vain, so how to treat the pain caused by prostatitis?
If left untreated, the acute prostatitis can develop into chronic type easily. Chronic prostatitis is the most horrible type to cure, because it is stubborn and can cause severe pain. Sometimes, people hold the view that prostatitis is a sexually transmitted disease, but recently, more and more researches show that only a small number of cases can transmit to partners via sex. And 90% are caused by infection and bad living habits.


What are the reasons of necrospermia

There is no doubt that every one wants to enjoy his golden years with his kids and grandkids, however, if you are a necrospermia patient, this scene cannot happen for you. as is known, duo to the living habits, working habits and environmental pollution in modern lives, men’s sperm becomes more and more fragile, so that’s the reason why they cannot play with their kids in their golden years. Therefore, necrospermia patient have to value this disease and get rid of this disease.
Necrospermia makes men’s dream of becoming a dad a bubble. In order to help those men who want having child, therefore, it is vital to learn the reason of Necrospermia.

Causes and treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease

Pelvic inflammatory disease, as known as PID, is a complication of sexually transmitted disease. This disease is an infection on women’s reproductive system, so Women have to learn some causes of pelvic inflammatory disease so that they can prevent this disease and take right treatment.
Here are the causes of PID
On the one hand, infection caused by giving birth or miscarriage


Cure epididymitis via the following ways

Epididymitis, a disease happens on men’s epididymis, is a common disease for men. This disease always is caused by the spreading inflammation from the nearby organs. This disease commonly happens suddenly and men can experience pain in scrotum, swelling, dull pain chills, fever and vomiting and so on. Epididymitis can be cured easily. Here I’d love to recommend some home remedies for men to take.


Ectopic pregnancy can be prevented by rope skipping

Ectopic pregnancy is a dangerous disease. It happens when fertilized egg cannot pass through fallopian tubes and enter uterus, so the fertilized egg have to implant in fallopian tube and grow up. However, the tube is so slim, so when the egg becomes large enough, the tube will be burst by it.

Ectopic pregnancy can be prevented by rope skipping

Ectopic pregnancy is a dangerous disease. It happens when fertilized egg cannot pass through fallopian tubes and enter uterus, so the fertilized egg have to implant in fallopian tube and grow up. However, the tube is so slim, so when the egg becomes large enough, the tube will be burst by it.


four factors for prostatitis for youth

There is no doubt that a large number of people take the point that only grown men can affect prostatitis, but the truth is, youth also can affect prostatitis. Why youth also can affect prostatitis? That’s because when boys are younger than 10 their prostate is little and there is no glandular tube, so the chance of affecting prostatitis is little. However, when boys are older than 10, they’d better pay attention to it.


Several ways for you to Treat Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

What is pelvic inflammatory disease? Commonly, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, more often called PID, is usually contracted through sexual situations, calls for prompt medical attention. It is not a condition that should be ignored. It is Sexually transmitted diseases like chlamydia and gonorrhea are responsible for the vast majority of PID cases diagnosed each year. Since PID is so horrible, how to treat it?


Prostatitis can be caused by holding urine and long time sitting

In recent years, the rate of infection prostatitis is increasing. Why so many people can be affected by prostatitis? As is known, those of bacteria can cause prostatitis for men in daily lives, but because lots of men know little about the causes of prostatitis ,so the infection number of prostatitis become more and more.


The reason why reproductive ability can be affected by prostatitis

Do you know the reason why men’s reproductive ability can be caused by prostatitis? If you don’t, please read this article carefully, because you will be amazed by the facts you will get. Nowadays, a large number of men affect urinary tract infection by ignoring the hygiene of sex, so bad and toxic materials can invade prostatitis and then lead to acute or chronic bacterial prostatitis. However, why men’s reproductive ability can be affected by prostatitis? Now, let’s have a look at the reasons:


Precautions of preventing prostatitis

Prostatitis, a common male disease, its morbidity becomes higher and higher, which has close connection with men’s work, health conditions and living environment. So, preventing prostatitis becomes an important work for men to keep their body heath. However, there are some precautions that men have to pay attention to it:


Complications and treatment of cystitis

What kind of consequences that cystitis men have to face to? cystitis, a common male disease, can bring great damages to them. All cystitis patients know that they have to experience endless pain and symptoms. But what kind of symptoms men have to face to?
Actually, there are two types of this disease. One is specific and the other is nonspecific cystitis. The first type always is caused by cystophthisis,while the second type always is caused by escherichia coli, bacillus coli communior, proteusbacillus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, streptococcus faecium and staphylococcus aureus. According its clinical symptoms, cystitis also can be classified into acute and chronic cystitis. Acute cystitis happens suddenly and badly. Acute patients can experience burning when urination and pain in urinary track, and even urgent urination and frequent urination if it is severe. What’s more, those symptoms can happen day and night. On the contrary, although the symptoms of chronic cystitis are similar with acute cystitis, its symptoms are milder and can last for months.