Prostatitis, often described as an infection of the prostate, also can be an inflammation with on signs of infection. According to the health center, only 5% -10% of cases are caused by bacterial infection.
Prostatitis has three types which are acute bacterial prostatitis, chronic bacterial prostatitis, and chronic nonbacterial prostatitis.
Acute bacterial prostatitis
A sudden bacterial infection marked by inflammation of the prostate. This is the least common type of prostatitis but the symptoms are usually severe. Patients with this type can experience increased urinary frequency, urgent urination, increased night urination, pain in pelvis and genital area, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, burning and so on. Acute bacterial prostatitis requires prompt treatment, for other severe conditions such as bladder infection, abscesses in the prostate, and completely blocked urine flow can be caused. This condition is usually treated in hospital with antibiotics, pain killer, and fluids.
This condition is the result of recurrent urinary tract infection that has entered the prostate gland. It is thought to exist for several years in some men before producing symptoms. Men with this type also can experience those symptoms such as fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, burning, but those symptoms also have its own characters. Its symptoms mild and can fluctuate in intensity. The treatment includes antibiotic for 4- 12 weeks and other treatment for pain. Sometimes men are given suppressive low-dose long duration antibiotic therapy.
Chronic nonbacterial prostatitis
This type also is known as chronic pelvic pain syndrome. It is the most common type of the disease, accounting for 90% of the cases. Commonly, no bacterial but inflammation can be found in urine test. Some men can experience symptoms, but some cannot. The condition can be confused with interstitial cystitis. The treatment of this type is Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill for 3 months.
All in all, getting a brief understanding is the first step of cure. If you want to know more about this pill or prostatitis, please contact via emails:,
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