What are the symptoms of acute prostatitis? Prostate gland is an important gland of male reproductive system, once it is sick, there won’t be other gland can replace it. we all know that other organs or reproductive system are double, so even one side of the organ is sick, the other health organs also can maintain the function. Acute prostatitis always happens between the ages of 25 to 35, so it is a common disease for adult men.
What are the symptoms of acute prostatitis?
When this disease happens, the common symptoms are urgent urination, painful urination, pain which can spread to penis tip and perineum, after urinating, white discharges can be discharged from urethra orifice, pain on testicles, sexual dysfunction, premature ejaculation, impotence and neurasthenia. While the system symptoms are weak, fatigue, dizzy, insomnia, forgetful, depressed and pressure pain on prostate gland when taking digital rectal examination.
The characters of high relapse rate and long term course can affect the function of male reproductive system and start infertility and the morbidity is around 25.7%. The prostate fluid is an important part of semen and account for 30% of the semen. This fluid has the necessities which keeps sperm move and alive, it also has various enzyme which used to make sperm liquefaction.
When this disease happens, the amount of prostate fluid is declined, which not only can low down the survival rate, vigour of sperm, but also affect the fertilization and liquefaction to reduce the fertilization chance. When acute prostatitis patients affect chlamydia, the number of teratospermia is increasing too.
Prostatitis patients always feel anxious, which can cause Endocrine disorders. So Dr. Lee recommends one of her patent herbal pill to cure this disease. This pill is Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. This pill not only can release pain, but also can clear away heat and toxic materials, so this pill can cure this disease from the root.