
What is mumps?

What is mumps? Mumps not only is a sort of viral infection that primarily has effect on parotid glands, but also can affect male’s testicles and lead orchitis to men. Orchitis is inflammatory disease. When men have bacteria and inflammations in their testicles, there is no doubt that they affect orchitis. Almost 80% men affect orchitis in their puberty, and then their state of fertility remains unaltered. In the males before their post pubertal stage, it is predicted that about 30 % of men who develop infertility or orchitis is because of mumps. Most of the time, both testicles can be affected by mumps.

Orchitis can weaken off testicles reproductive ability and reduce the activity of sperm. However, complete sterility is atypical in post-pubertal men to develop orchitis. It is vital to give emphasis to both the testicles as it has to be affected by mumps and orchitis. If orchitis is not triggered it may not cause any impact on the infertility of man. So, the chance of getting infertility is relatively low. The symptoms of orchitis are loss of appetite, muscle pains, headache, fatigue, and swollen and tender prostatitis glands on both sides or on one side.
Vaccination is the other reason of orchitis.  Children who are less than 15 months and the adults are given MMR vaccine. It is a vaccination for measles, mumps, rubella which is usually given at the time of pregnancy.
How to prevent orchitis?
Firstly, avoid direct contact and exposure. Men can affect mumps by touching individual sneeze, cough, talks, uses clothes or other stuffs of an infected person. It also spreads by kissing or touching.
Secondly, increase the times of water
Almost 80% of orchitis are caused by bacterial infection, so when people have toxic materials in their testicles, water can reduce the concentration of semen and release pain. It is better for them to drink 8 glasses of water per day.
This pill, invented by Dr. Lee, is an herbal medicine. This pill make with more than 40 rarely herbal materials, so it has many unbelievable functions. It can promote blood circulation and dissolve stasis, clear away heat and toxic materials, promote Qi and release pain, dissipate hard lumps. Generally speaking, orchitis can be cured by this pill within three months.

