The traditional treatment of Chlamydia genital infections
always is antibiotics, because they work fast and effectively. However,
antibiotic also has its weaknesses. Low cure rate in long-term infection, so
many side-effects and drug resistance are its weaknesses. So it is necessary
for people to seek of new treating methods to cure this disease. Many people
told me that "Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill"(for
men) and "Fuyan Pill"(for women) are very good herbal medicines.
So, let’s have a look on those herbal medicines.
There is no doubt that it is very easy for chlamydia to
develop drug resistance after a long-term taking of antibiotic, so how about
the two herbal pills? The two pills word as effective as antibiotic in curing
chlamydia infection especially when treating long-term infection. Commonly, the
more antibiotics you take, the more difficult the disease can be cured. However,
drug resistance isn’t a problem for herbal medicine. The two pills, Diuretic
and Anti-inflammatory Pill"(for men) and "Fuyan Pill"(for women),
can always work effectively in curing infection, no matter how long the
infection has been existed. What’s more, the curative effect of the pills will
be enhanced with the passing times.
Herbal remedies are always safer than antibiotics because its
side-effect is so slightly that can be ignored by people. Antibiotics do harm to
kidneys and liver when it cures the infection, it's always revolted by some
chlamydia sufferers. Chlamydia alternative medicine - herbal remedies hardly
bring any side-effects while treating chlamydia infection. So No damage will be
found in kidneys and liver. What’s more, it also is impossible for them to find
hives, swelling, headache dizziness, vomiting or diarrhea.
As chlamydia may stay systematic in most infected women,
it is not aware until it has already done damage to women's reproductive system.
Chlamydia left untreated may cause tubal blockage, hydrosalpinx, endometriosis,
adenomyosis, etc in women, while long-term chlamydia infection may cause
prostatitis, epididymitis, seminal vesiculitis, spermduct blockage, and
orchitis in men. Antibiotics can only clear up the pathogen, but are not able
to treat these diseases. Herbal remedies for chlamydia can always treat these
complications as well as treating the infection. After three to four months
treatment, chlamydia complications can be treated as well.
All in all, Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill" and
"Fuyan Pill are two of the best two pills in the world. This pill not only
has every advantage antibiotics have, but also have many advantages that
antibiotics don’t have. If you want to know more information about the two
pills, please contact us as soon as possible.