
Prostatitis also can be cured by prostate massage

Prostatitis is an infection of the prostate gland. It also can be an inflammation with on sign of infection. This disease can affect men at all ages, so not only old men have to prevent this disease, but also the young men. As is known, antibiotic is the traditional treatment of prostatitis, but are there any other alternative treatment for prostatitis?

Prostate Massage
A prostate massage is the act of gently rubbing the prostate. You can get to the prostate through the rectum. A prostate massage can be done by you, your spouse or significant other, or a physician. If you choose to do the massage yourself, the best position for someone other than yourself to do the massage is to slightly lean over the bed, a chair or a table. You have to lie on your back and draw your legs to your chest. You have to be gentle and using no more pressure than to rub your eyeball.
Why massage is so amazing?
Massaging the prostate regularly can help prevent infection. Another commonly used term is milking the prostate. If seminal fluid builds up in the prostate and is not released, these fluids can eventually become toxic. These toxins can then become infectious, because the prostate to become hard and rigid, create pain and cause painful urination and ejaculations. They can even become cancerous. These are the reasons it is important to help the prostate rid itself of built-up fluids on a regular basis to keep it healthy.
Although massage is so amazing, there also are some situations are not suitable for massage. Actually, acute prostatitis cannot be cured by massage, for the bacteria will be spread via massage, thus, if you take massage, not only this disease cannot be cured, your symptoms might be severer. Acute prostatitis should be treated by antibiotic, but if you don’t love antibiotic, you also can take herbal medicine Diureticand Anti-inflammatory Pill because this pill is safe and can cure prostatitis totally. If you want to know more information about this pill or this disease, please contact us as soon as possible.

