
Prevent prostatitis by watching your diet

There is no doubt that prostatitis is a horrible disease. not only because it can make men to feel many serious symptoms like urgent urination, frequent urination, cloudy discharges, blood urine, and pain in lower abdomen, it also because many serious complications can be caused by this disease. So as long as men notice that they affect this disease, timely and immediately treatment should be received. However, if they is health and don’t affect this disease, it is better for them to prevent this disease by watching their diet.

On the one hand, men should eat more food which is full of protein. There is no doubt that protein is very important for human beings. Not only it is the foundation of cell, it also is an important material of sperm. So absorbing proper protein everyday can balance the endocrine functions and promote the quality and quantity of sperm. You can find plenty of protein in prawn, fish, oysterm, beans, lean meat, and eggs, etc. men can get many benefits from seafood, because they are full of pollution and also have materials like DHAEHA. Although seafood is very good, over dosage is very dangerous too.
On the other hand, men have to eat more food which is full of vitamin and mineral. Just like protein, vitamin and mineral are necessary materials too. If men want to have a healthy reproductive organ, it is better for men to absorb some vitamins and minerals. Men have to absorb those symptoms like Zn and Se, because those minerals can promote the movement of sperm and increase the pregnancy rate. Zn can improve the immunity. So not only necrospermia can be found in thsoe men who are lack of Zn, their sexual ability also can be affected too. Men can get Zn and Se from shellfish seafood, animal giblets, cereal germ and Kelp cuttle fish shrimp seaweed.
The last thing men have to pay attention to is eating more fruits and vegetables. Many males hate to eat fruit and vegetables not only because they think it is a food for girls to lose weight, they also take the view that only meat can provide sufficient energy for them. However, they don’t know that those foods are full of some vitamins which cannot be found in meat. Fruits and vegetables are full of vitamin A and vitamin C, because vitamin A and vitamin C can improve the movement of sperm.

