
Cystitis is a dangerous disease and the relapse rate is very high

Many years ago, the phrase – interstitialcystitis is seldom known by people, but now, more and more people are going to know about this disease, because the number of patients is increasing. According to some reports, it is hitting millions of people every year. Although both men and women can affect this disease, many victims are women, not only because women’s urinary track is short, but also because their urethral orifice are closer to anus. Cystitis is a dangerous disease and the relapse rate is very high too, so the aim of this article is telling people what interstitial cystitis is.

Cystitis has many types. it includes interstitial cystitis and so on. Every type of cystitis can bring great damage to the entire urinary system, at the initial stage, infection only locates in bladder, but when at the final stage, the infection can spread to other parts of urinary system such as kidney, so cystitis is such a dangerous disease, especially for pregnant women, frequent sex women and women after menopauses.
It is better for people to receive treatment as soon as possible when they find they have those symptoms as follows: Frequently passing urine, cloudy or strong-smelling urine, Need to urinate at night (nocturia), Dark, Feeling unwell, weak or feverish, Painful urination (dysuria), Urine that contains traces of blood (haematuria), Frequent urination (polyuria) or urgent need to urinate (urinary urgency) and Pain above the pubic bone, or in the lower back or abdomen.
At normal situations, it is hard for bacteria to invade bladder, because bladder wall has a strong ability to resist bacteria. What’s more, it also is hard for bacteria to stay at urinary track a long time, because they can be brought out with urine, so when people are at good health conditions, the infection rate is very low. However, when people are under bad health conditions, not only the bacteria cannot be brought by urine, the resistance still is weak too.  When people affect it, they can experience upper urinary tract infection and lower urinary tract obstruction. Thus, people should learn more information about this disease and the treatment methods.
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