
Take a walk, and your prostatitis will be taken away

As is known, sitting can slow down the blood circulation especially the blood circulation of perineum, so chronic congestion on prostate gland can be led by it. But on the contrary, if men don’t sitting for a long time, no harm will be brought out, so men may curious why prostatitis can be caused by long time sitting.
Although lots of men don’t know why prostatitis can be caused by long time sitting, they know that lots of drivers are prostatitis patients. The congestion on perineum can make bad materials hard to flush out, so when prostate tract is blocked, the fluid cannot flush out, and chronic prostatitis happens.

According to a data from healthy center, the cure rate in driver is low but in office men is higher, because office men can take a short walk per hour. Why walk can bring prostatitis away? First, walk can release the pressure brought by long time sitting, so men’s prostatitis won’t have to endure pressure and there is a time for this gland to relax.
Second, walk makes the blood circulation of blood circulation quicker, so bad materials can be taken away and flush out with urine. What’s more, good blood circulation also can reduce the congestion time and change the environment of prostate (bad for bacteria to survive).
Third, walk can enhance the resistance of bacteria. Walk is a type of exercise, so it is better for men to take walk every day.
However, driver who hardly to take a short walk per hour, so those people how to fight against prostatitis? Here, I’d love to recommend an herbal formula - Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill which has the same function with walk – promote blood circulation. This pill also has other functions including improving Qi, clearing away heat and toxic materials, dissipating hard lumps, and releasing pain. So, driver also can get rid of prostatitis with three months treatment with Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. If you are interested in this pill or want to know more about prostatitis, please feel free to contact us.

